Sunday, October 1, 2017

Day 1 and Day 2 of Moving On

I have to blog again. After 2 years of hiatus, I'm back.

I'm one day delayed of starting this x days moving on series but I did feel the need to starting writing my thoughts again because I feel like I'm going crazy.

Yes, I just had my heart broken. Well, it's not really like a one event thing but it was weeks, months, years of heartaches. And just the other day, I have decided to put an end on it by sending him a goodbye email. Honestly, a part of me don't wanna do it because I know there's no turning back. I know him, he's not the type who'll go chasing. Well, I guess in the first place, he never did the chasing. But "breaking-up" with him is something which I need to do.

The first 2 days are hard. I really am missing him. Not to know what he's up to or how was his day is killing me. I'd constantly check if he's online or if he has already replied to my email (which is so unlikely though). I'm endlessly wondering if he thinks of me or even misses me. But who am I kidding? The reality is he doesn't care.

I tried to be busy. Played with my nephew, went out with my parents, chatted with my friends and did some swiping on Tinder. But hell, my mind still wanders. And then you'll have that moment of re-realization of the fact that it's over and your heart will once again hurt so bad.I don't know how long before I'll get through this but I can't wait for this moving on part to be over because this is so freaking hard!

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